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Débora Mesa is presenting a lecture at Kings Raleigh in North Carolina, USA, as part of the annual summer workshop series titled "Real Matter" hosted by in situ studio and organized around a collaborative urban project.

This year's theme, "On The Ground", focuses on conversations about the built environment. Débora will contribute to the discussion by sharing our experience working in environments of very diverse conditions.

The lecture will take place on August 5th at 6:30 pm. For more information on the event, and to register, visit this website link.

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We are thrilled to announce that our project, Vjosa Museum, has been featured in the latest issue of GA International 2024 publication and would also be part of the exhibition at the GA Gallery. The Vjosa Museum design showcases a concept that celebrates the beauty and significance of the Vjosa River and its surrounding landscape in Albania, through a series of organic infrastructure elements. You can purchase a copy of the publication on the GA website, or visit the GA Gallery in Tokyo, from 20 July to 08 September, 2024,  between 12:00-18:30.

For more information on the exhibition, visit this website link.

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Débora Mesa and Antón García-Abril are presenting a lecture at the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC), Barcelona, as part of the institute's international lecture series where architects and experts from different disciplines are invited to share their work.  

The "Closing Lecture" would provide insight and dive into the evolution of our studio, combining architecture, art, research and construction ideas.  

The lecture will be held on 4th June 2024, at the Main Hall of the IAAC campus in C. Pujades 102, Barcelona. It begins at 19:00 CET with an introduction from IAAC director Daniel Ibañez and will be followed by a Q&A session. You can also register to participate on zoom through the IAAC website link provided below.

For more information, visit this website link.

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Débora Mesa is presenting a lecture titled "Radical Logic" at ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg campus, as part of the Architecture and Construction Colloquium, on the 16 April 2024.

The lecture series invites different practices to provide insight into the topic of the colloquium through their work. Débora discusses the evolution of Ensamble Studio across two decades and elaborates on how the combination of interdisciplinary research and practice, can be instrumental to overcome unproductive conventional logics, and the obsolescence and rigidity of the industries and markets that architecture navigates.

The lecture will begin at 8am and will be held at HIL building, E 67, at ETH Zurich. Click here to view the full schedule of the event.

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Architects Débora Mesa and Iñaqui Carnicero are interviewed at La Casa de la Arquitectura in Madrid, a new national museum that brings architecture closer to the general public. The opening exhibition, "La construcción de un país", features relevant works built in Spain during the past 50 years. Débora introduces "The Truffle", built in 2010, and the key ideas behind this work. The exhibition can be visited until March 31st. Click here to watch the video.



Ensamble Studio's work has been featured in the 35th edition of the  Capitel Magazine, published by the Humanitas University. The publication delves into our conceptual ideas, studio work, and architectural themes, exploring the creative process behind our designs, focusing on how they blend innovation and social impact. We are glad to be part of this insightful coverage that also features other significant contributions to the world of art and architecture. Check out the publication here.

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Ensamble Studio wishes you a very Happy New Year! We are eagerly welcoming the New Year to continue working on new ways to push the boundaries of architecture.

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Ensamble Studio is thrilled to be part of the exhibition programme at La Casa de la Arquitectura in Madrid, titled "La construcción de un país", revolving around the theme of the architectural past, and the vision of the future of the country in terms of architecture, urban planning and landscaping. Our project - "The Truffle" was chosen to highlight the emerging shifts in construction and design among other studios' works from the last decade. The exhibition was inaugurated by the Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez and the Minister of Housing and Urban Agenda, Isabel Rodríguez, and is now open to public.

Visit this page for more information on the exhibition.



Our project - "The Tent" was featured in an article for the Intro magazine, written by Tereza Šváchová. The October issue of the magazine focuses on themes of concrete construction and dives into the process and challenges of designing and constructing the Tent. Contact the Intro magazine team, or visit their website, to order a copy of the issue. 


Ensamble Studio is participating in the Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism 2023, presenting our project Ca'n Terra with an interview to Antón and Débora, recorded in Ca'n Terra in Menorca.

The project is part of the selection for the Thematic Exhibition, that addresses the central theme of this edition of the Biennale "Land Urbanism, Land Architecture" through a series of interviews and drawings, and the interview is the centerpiece of the exhibition, with the aim to start a conversation on the idea of "Land Architecture" –an architecture that reclaims and re-establishes humanity's relationship to the land.

The Thematic Exhibition of the Biennale is being held at the Seoul Hall of Urbanism and Architecture from September 1 to October 29.

Check the complete interview in the video.

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In continuation of the events surrounding the opening week of the 4th edition of the Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism, Antón García-Abril presents "Architecture of the Earth" at the Seoul National University on the 4th September 2023 (Mon). The presentation will begin at 16:00 hrs and will be followed by a Q&A session. The presentation traces the journey of the works of the studio, with a focus on one of our on-going projects - "Medongaule Garden". 


As part of the events surrounding the opening week of the 4th edition of the Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism, Antón García-Abril presents "Architecture of the Earth" at the Hongik University on the 4th September 2023 (Mon), between 11:00 - 13:00 hrs (KST). He joins Mauricio Pezo and Sofia von Ellrichshausen who also present their work at this event, followed by a panel discussion with Hyunjoon Yoo and moderated by Chunghwan Park from the university.


Antón García-Abril presents the "Architecture of the Earth" at the 4th edition of the Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism, where he discusses the driving force of much of the works at Ensamble Studio. The session will focus on the practice of the studio and the development of ideas in relation to the land and art that have shaped our journey, with a special mention and a deep dive into an on-going project - Medongaule Garden on the outskirts of Seoul. The presentation will be part of the Opening forum on 2nd September 2023, (Sat), between 2:00pm and 4:40pm KST at Songhyeon Green Plaza.



Antón García-Abril and Débora Mesa Molina discuss the practices that shape Ensamble Studio, in an interview with Francis Rambert (Head of the Architectural Creation Department at the Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine), for Archiscopie 33, June 2023 edition. The interview focuses on the methodologies of the studio in combining art and technology and deciphering the architecture that springs from within. Take a look at the editorial and purchase a copy of the publication here!

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Our project "Tirana Balcony" is part of the exhibition for GA International 2023, at the GA Gallery, Tokyo, Japan. Check out our work beginning 22 July 2023 until 10 September 2023, between 12:00 and 18:30 hrs. For more information on the exhibition click here.



We are thrilled to announce that our project "Tirana Balcony" has been featured in the latest edition of GA International. The project was part of a design proposal for a mixed-use development in Tirana, Albania, focusing on bringing together urban and landscape elements to build a state-of-the-art cultural platform. You can order a copy of the publication here.


Join Antón García-Abril and Berlin based artist Michael Sailstorfer for a talk at the Neue Nationalgalerie in Berlin, on the 31st of May. The lecture is a part of the series "What Can Architecture Do for you?", initiated by the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Freunde der Nationalgalerie and Euroboden Architekturkultur. It explores the idea of experimentation as an integral part of the work of the artists and their potential to act as mediators between individuals and the larger community.


The event will be held between 7:00 pm and 9:30 pm (CET), and would be moderated by Elke Buhr, journalist and editor-in-chief of Monopol magazine. Book your tickets to the event here.


Ensamble Studio was part of a design competition organized by USLUGA to develop a Cultural and Mixed-use development in Tirana, Albania. We are grateful to have participated alongside the other architecture offices that were preselected – Zaha Hadid Architects and Avatelier Architects, CHYBIK+KRISTOF Associated Architects, Fala Atelier and Promontorio and Studio Fuksas.


All the teams met for a conference, hosted by USLUGA in Tirana, where we presented our proposal for the competition. Take a look at the video from the event above


Antón García-Abril was part of an interview series titled CASE 3, organized by Adrian Gasparoni from BEAT Revista and Matías Frazzi from Frazzi Arquitectos in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The interview series features conversations with architects, focusing on American architecture. The event was hosted by Universidad Abierta Interamericana on October 25, 2022. Take a look at the Interview video above.

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The Madrid Institute of Architects (Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid, COAM) has presented Rafael Moneo's book - "Escritos sobre arquitectos españoles (1961-2021)", which commemorates the Spanish National Architecture Prize he received in 2015. The book provides an insight into the realm of Spanish architecture bringing together a collection of texts written by Moneo on other architects, and includes a reflection on the work of Ensamble that was originally published in our monograph “Radical Logic” For more information on the book launch event, visit the website of COAM.

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We are thrilled to announce our collaboration with GA Houses again. Our project - "Amesbury House", in Massachusetts, is featured in the new issue of GA Houses - 187 among other exemplary housing projects in 2023. Check out our work in the exhibition at GA Gallery, Tokyo beginning on the 25th of March, open till the 11th of June 2023. You can also order a copy of the publication here.


Keetje Kuipers reads Minnie Bruce Pratt's poem "Justice, Come Down" in the backdrop of DOMO and the FOLDS, by Ensamble Studio at the Tippet Rise Art Center. The series titled "Above Strands of Earth", is an initiative by the Adrian Brinkerhoff Poetry Foundation produced in collaboration with the Tippet Rise Art Center and the Academy of American Poets. This is the second poem in the series to be shot in the context of our works. Previously, Brian Blanchfield read Carl Phillips' poem "Corral" at Inverted Portal. We are thrilled that Structures of Landscape are creating memorable scenographies for art and artists. 

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Antón Garcia-Abril and Débora Mesa Molina join Saïd Hejal, CEO of Kronos Real Estate Group, and Maite Sebastiá, Head of Editorial of AD Spain, at the AD100 Night, in which they delve into the emotional and functional aspects of architecture and design, along with artist Javier Calleja, and designer Sabine Marcelis. The event was held at the Institute of Cultural Heritage in Madrid under the iconic "Corona de Espinas", as an homage and in remembrance of its architect Fernando Higueras, 15 years after his passing. For more information, read this article featuring key moments of the interview.

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Débora Mesa Molina is presenting a lecture titled "Ensamble Studio OnSite OffSite" at the Institute of Architecture of MOME in Budapest. The lecture series invites practitioners to provide insight into the works of professionals dealing with the built environment, creating a dialogue on the development of cities in the future. The spring 2023 lecture series, titled "Architectural Matters", kicks off with Debora's lecture on March 1st, 2023 at 6pm CET, at the MOME Auditorium.


Brian Blanchfield reads Carl Phillips' poem "Corral" in the backdrop of The Inverted Portal and the Beartooth Portal by Ensamble Studio at the Tippet Rise Art Center. The film is a part of the series titled "Above Strands of Earth", an initiative by the Adrian Brinkerhoff Poetry Foundation produced in collaboration with the Tippet Rise Art Center and the Academy of American Poets.

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"The Tent" by Ensamble Studio has been nominated for the Building of the Year award by ArchDaily, under the Installations category. The Tent is architecture molded by hands, hands that fold, connect, devise structure and space in unison.


Ensamble Studio won the Building of the Year award last year with our project - "Ca'n Terra House" under the Houses category. With over 4500 projects in this 1st phase of the competition, show your support with our nomination and help us win the award again this year!

Click here to support our nomination.



Se busca Arquitect@ con experiencia en proyectos en fase de ejecución y buen nivel de Revit para unirse a nuestra oficina de Madrid.
Para más información contactar con CV y portfolio a

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Ensamble Studio wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We are eagerly welcoming the New Year to continue working on new ways to push the boundaries of architecture.


The 2022 MIT Paris Symposium traces developments in sustainable technologies and the building industry. Addressing this change in ecology, "WoHo" focuses on Architecture with a new way of designing and manufacturing affordable, yet environmentally sensitive spaces. At the conference, Borja Soriano Martínez will elaborate on the concept through developments and strategies of WoHo. ​


The symposium takes place on 5th December 2022, from 2:00pm to 7:00pm (GMT +1) at Bouygues – 32, avenue Hoche, Paris 75008


It will cover a range of topics, dealing with carbon-di-oxide impact, sustainable futures and new materials, and will also feature panel discussions and Lightning Talks from companies like YUBIK, BOVLABS and Swift Solar.


"Visible Invisible" is a book that retraces the exhibition of the same name held between May 14 and July 13, 2022, at ÉNSA Versailles, as part of the second edition of the Biennale d'architecture et de paysage d'Île-de-France (BAP!2). It is a catalogue of the works that were present at the exhibition, but also contains photographs and unpublished texts (reviews, interviews, etc.) to illustrate and extend the reflections.


The exhibition dealt with the question - "Faced with the ecological emergency, how can new architectural forms emerge from locally available materials and energies?". The publication consists of a range of projects that demonstrate contemporary responses to ecological crises and different inhabitations in the Anthropocene era.

​Pre-sale has begun. The books will be sent out and will be available in bookshops from 12 December.

Click here to order a copy

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Ensamble Studio has been selected as part of 2023 AD Spain list of top 100 firms in architecture and design.


The selection includes 100 leading architects, designers and innovators from all around the world, featuring firms like David Adjaye (Ghana), David Chipperfield (UK), Estudio Herreros (Spain), Francis Kéré (Berlin), Kengo Kuma (Japan), Manuel Aires Mateus (Portugal), RCR (Spain) and Tatiana Bilbao (Mexico).


Find the complete list of offices and categories at the following link:

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Débora Mesa Molina is presenting a lecture titled "Ensamble Studio OnSite OffSite" at the BSA (Association of Swiss Architects) Annual General Meeting in Basel.

ENSAMBLE STUDIO OnSite OffSite, proposes an immersion into the processes of conception and materialization of the firm’s works. Diverse topics, from the construction of the landscape to the prefabrication of the house, are addressed, reinventing typologies, technologies, and building methodologies. In this journey, the house becomes the perfect laboratory for experimentation: the proof of concept that opens new paths and enables creative freedom.

The lecture takes place on November 25th, 2022 at 6pm CET, at Parterre One in Basel. 


Winning Design for Renewed European Parliament Building by Pan-European Design Collective EUROPARC

A pan-European design collective has won the international competition organized by the European Parliament to renew the Paul-Henri SPAAK Building in Brussels, Belgium. The proposal underscores the identity of the European Union and the value of democracy, while promoting the principles of
circular construction.

For more information, visit: 9013 (

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Antón García-Abril is presenting “Architecture of the Earth” at ETH Zurich.


The lecture is part of the course “The economy of the Project - FORMS OF LIVING”, organized by profesor Christian Kerez. The course is focusing on the topic of “matter” (among others), researching into ways of transforming matter into spaces and the criteria that triggers that research.


The lecture is public and takes place on November 9th, 2022 at 5pm CET. More information and Zoom link at ETH website:

Antón García-Abril is presenting “Architecture of the Earth” at ETH Zurich.


The lecture is part of the course “The economy of the Project - FORMS OF LIVING”, organized by profesor Christian Kerez. The course is focusing on the topic of “matter” (among others), researching into ways of transforming matter into spaces and the criteria that triggers that research.


The lecture is public and takes place on November 9th, 2022 at 5pm CET. More information and Zoom link at ETH website:

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Antón García-Abril is joining the 22nd edition of the festival Days of Oris in Croatia to present “Architecture of the Earth” as part of the official program of the festival.


The festival Days of Oris is an international architectural festival organized by Oris House of Architecture since 2001, where architects and professionals from related fields gather yearly in Zagreb, Croatia. Past speakers include Rafael Moneo, Peter Zumthor, Souto de Moura, Kazuyo Sejima & Ryue Nishizawa, Lacaton & Vassal, Valerio Olgiati, Smiljan Radić, Shigeru Ban and Ensamble Studio (in 2012), among many others.


The lecture will take place via Zoom on the first day of the Festival, Friday November 4th at 2pm CET / 9am EST.

For more information follow the link:

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Débora Mesa is presenting “Architecture of the Earth” at the Louisiana State University – College of Art & Design in the “Paula G. Manship Endowed Lecture Series” of this 2022/23 academic year.


The “Paula G. Manship Endowed Lecture Series” invites every year top artists, designers and scholars from around the world to lecture at the Baton Rouge campus. The past years lecturers have included Ken Frampton, Mary Miss, Peter Walker, Claude Cormier, and Suzan Tillotson, among others.


The lecture will take part on Wednesday, November 2nd at 4:00pm in the Design Building Auditorium. 

More details at:

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Ensamble Studio is presenting Radical Logic: On the Work of Ensamble Studio with a new exhibition at the School of Architecture & Urban Planning (SARUP) of the University of Wisconsin.


The exhibition is part of our academic collaboration with the university following the award of the 2021 Marcus Prize, and will present a series of images by photographer James Florio along with a selection of concept models from our works.


The images by James Florio are part of his work “On Light, Time, and Materiality”, a collaboration with MasContext and supported by Tippet Rise, that reflects and explores Ensamble's practice over the past twenty years, focusing on the themes of light, time, and materiality. 


The images are part of our recent monograph Radical Logic: On the Work of Ensamble Studio, from where the exhibition takes its title, which is edited by Iker Gil from MasContext and features Florio's work with Ensamble.


The exhibition opening will take place this Tuesday, November 1st at 6:30pm CT and the exhibition will remain open 9am-5pm at SARUP Gallery until January 4th, 2023. For more information and details follow:

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Antón and Débora are presenting the lecture Architecture of the Earth to the School of Architecture of Carnegie Mellon University this Monday, October 31st.


The lecture is part of the University public program for this Fall 2022, curated by Sarah Rafson, which focuses on the themes of “MATERIALITY” and “AESTHETICS” with a series of events that examines the tactile, structural, and visual qualities of the materials used in architecture.


The lecture is free and open to the public, and will take place at 5:00pm EST in Kresge Theatre. For more information follow:



“Women in Architecture" exhibition at the Danish Architecture Center in Copenhagen has closed its doors this weekend.  


The exhibition has presented the Danish Architecture Center visitors of last months with stories of women in architecture and their often overlooked contributions to the field. It has also given space to three installations by three international contemporary architects –Tatiana Bilbao, Siv Stangeland and Débora Mesa– that explore the theme of the exhibition and Virginia Woolf’s 1929 essay, “A Room of One’s Own”.


ArchDaily has just released a story on the exhibition, featuring videos of the three women-architects presenting their installations. Check it at:  


For more information on the exhibition, visit the DAC's website at:



Débora Mesa is participating in the next Five on Five event at Harvard GSD along with Martin Bechthold.


This event is the 23rd in the “Five on Five” series, where in each episode architects of different backgrounds and generations are invited to present five projects that have been pivotal in their work –either projects of theirs or of others.


For this episode Débora is joining Martin Bechthold, Director of the Master in Design Engineering Program and Kumagai Professor of Architectural Technology.


The event is open to the public and will take place on October 19th at 12:30-2pm EST in Stubbins (Room 112) at Harvard GSD. For more information, access to the livestream and the list of past and upcoming events follow the link:



Antón Garcia-Abril is joining the second International Research and Design Forum in Stuttgart to present “Architecture of the Earth”.


The 2nd International Research and Design Forum has been organized by SOM Foundation in partnership with the Integrative Computational Design and Construction for Architecture (IntCDC), and it forms part of the Stuttgart Week of Advancing Architecture, Engineering & Construction at the University of Stuttgart.


This 2022 edition focuses on “materiality” and presents a series of lectures by academics and industry leaders, including Antón Garcia-Abril presenting Ensamble Studios’s series of Architecture of the Earth projects.


The forum takes place on October 14th, and Ensamble Studio’s lecture is scheduled for 11:20pm CET.

Find more details and information at:



Anton Garcia-Abril is presenting “Architecture of the Earth” at MIT as part of their Fall 2022 lecture series.


The lecture, moderated by Cristina Parreño Alonso, will present #mattertodata, an experimental technique that explores and pushes the boundaries of architectural design, extracting valuable creative resources from the manipulation of matter, and transforming them into data and detail.


The lecture is free and open to the public. It takes place on October 6th at 6 PM ET in 7-429 (Long Lounge) and is streamed online (registration required to attend in-person). Register or watch the webcast here:



Débora Mesa is joining Casa Da Arquitectura in Porto on Tuesday, October 4th to give a lecture as part of the exhibition The Reasons Offsite.

The lecture program “Em Fábrica” / “In Factory“ invites a series of architects to explore the construction of the factory from different perspectives, presenting a series of projects and their intersections with technology, politics and art.

The lecture takes place on October 4th at 6:30pm WEST in Casa Da Arquitectura Porto. More information at:



Pinkcomma Gallery in Boston is presenting an exhibition of the works of photographer James Florio, featuring his photographs of Ensamble Studio’s projects.

The exhibition, titled “On Light, Time, and Materiality”, documents the photography Florio produced with Ensamble Studio to capture our “entrancing site-specific projects that blend architecture, fabrication methods, landscapes, and typology research.”

The exhibition is open Monday–Friday, 10–5pm at 46 Waltham Street in Boston, MA. For more information and details follow the link to the Gallery site:



The Cooper Union is opening its latest exhibition, "Model Behavior”, an exhibition curated by the Anyone Corporation and presented by The Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture.


The exhibition features both physical and digital architectural models, presenting them as tools to visualize and predict behaviors –just as science, mathematics and economics do. The show includes more than 70 models by 45 architects and artists, including Olafur Eliasson, Peter Eisenman, Forensic Architecture, Höweler + Yoon, and Ensamble Studio.


The exhibition is free and opens on Tuesday, October 4 in the Foundation Building and will run through November 18, 2022. For more information follow the link:

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Ensamble Studio is giving the Marcus Prize lecture at the School of Architecture & Urban Planning of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

The lecture is part of the academic engagement of the firm with the university following the award of the 2021 Marcus Prize. The prize was established in 2005 as a biennial, international architecture award that recognizes emerging architects for their outstanding work. Previous recipients are Tatiana Bilbao, Studio Gang, REX, Sou Fujimoto, Francis Kéré, Elemental, Barkow Leibinger and MVRDV.

The lecture will take place on Thursday, September 15th at 5:30pm (Central), at the Engelmann 105 Auditorium of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.


For more information and details follow the link:



Collective Design for New EU Parliament Building


We are proud to announce that JDSA / Julien De Smedt Architects (DK), Coldefy (FR), CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati (IT), NL Architects (NL) and Ensamble Studio (SP) have formed a collective of united European architects and won the First Prize of the international competition to design a new European Parliament building in Brussels. Stay tuned for more details!

With the support of engineering firms UTIL (BE) and Ramboll (DK)

More info here:



Débora and Antón are joining Melbourne School of Design to present the work of Ensamble Studio as part of this year Dean's Lecture Series.


The lecture will discuss the firm’s research agenda through built projects like the Hemeroscopium House (Madrid, Spain), Cyclopean House (Brookline, USA), Structures of Landscape (Tippet Rise Art Center, Montana, USA)or Ca'n Terra (Menorca, Spain).


The event will be broadcasted online on Monday, May 16th at 7pm EST (Tuesday, May 17th at 9am Australian Eastern Standard Time).


To register online, please visit: 



The Biennale of Architecture and Landscape (BAP!) of the Île-de-France is opening this week featuring a large-scale installation by Ensamble Studio.


This second edition of the biennale explores the link between Land and Cities through nine exhibitions. "Visible–Invisible", curated by Nicolas Dorval-Bory and Guillaume Ramillien, presents three outdoor installations by renowned international architecture firms that are developing new materials, construction techniques, and languages to deal with the visible and the invisible matter of architecture.


The venue is located at the National School of Architecture of Versailles ÉNSA Versailles and is open to the public from May 14th to July 13th, 2022.


For more information, visit the official website at:

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